Wednesday 15 November – 6.30pm
A series of Wednesday track meets for Wellington clubs and colleges. Entry is by Entry fee and pre-registration of members of other clubs affiliated to Athletics Wellington and member affiliated to Athletics NZ. Athletes who are NOT affiliated including college athletes are asked to contact for more information.
Meetings will include at least two sprints & two middle distance races. Inclusion of field events will be possible on special request provided support of officials and volunteers is available.
Meetings will have photo timing but with a limited number of officials and volunteers. Timetabling will allow multiple events. Athletes should check for start time updates.
Results will be published through the AW webpage.
Age Grades: Men & Women U16 to Open including Masters.
Order of Track events, Men will race first followed by Women. Men & Women will compete concurrently in Field events.
All athletes should note Athletics Wellington Competition Rules for Open meetings. These are published on the following page
Event and Entry Information
Wednesday 15 November – 12.00 NOON Entries Close
Wednesday 15 November
5.30 pm Officials & Volunteers report for Managers Meeting & Set up
5.30 pm Athlete Reporting