We want your feedback about our Senior Track and Field programme. Please help us out by filling in this survey form:
Survey Form Here
We are keen to hear from all Wellington athletes, even if you are an infrequent competitor or visitor at Track and Field events. The survey will be open until 30 June, but we are keen to get feedback as soon as possible.
Back Ground
The Athletics Wellington Board has established a Senior Track and Field Working Group to produce recommendations that will revitalise the senior Track and Field programme. See Here
The Working Group is to provide the Board with feedback, ideas, options and recommendations and report by end July at the latest. The recommendations must take into account the limited pool of officials, and the decline in athlete participation in track and field events.
We need feedback from athletes to help us prepare recommendations to the Board for the next season.
We have already sent out separate surveys to officials, and to coaches.
In responding to this survey, you may need to refer to the AW season calendar and Club Meet A and B information at the following links:
2018/19 Season Calendar ;
2018/19 Club Meet A and B event schedule:
We will be most grateful for your feedback. Thank you for your time in responding.
Marshall Clark
for Senior Track & Field Working Group
Athletics Wellington
021 442305