Season Calendar Message

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Hi athletes, officials, helpers and coaches,

With the upcoming 2019/20 season approaching, the Board of Athletics Wellington asked Marshall Clark if he could do a review of the current status of Track & Field competition and participation in our region. Marshall has led a small Working Group to undertake this review.  They have provided a very thorough analysis and the output is attached in a slide pack which has been sent out to all clubs for distribution and discussion.

Firstly thank you to Marshall and the Working Group members for the time and effort you have put into this. It is much appreciated.

Quite simply we are struggling for sufficient officials and helpers to run a standard programme of track and field events throughout the season. A draft T&F calendar will be published shortly. However you will see it has had to be cut back from previous seasons. 

We will actively promote each T&F event in the programme and encourage participation.  The programme includes a Grand Prix series points competition over four meets, based on age-adjusted performance standards.  We have incorporated the Agency 10,000m event, and the Night of Miles event into the programme.

We are keen that clubs become responsible for providing helpers who will go on a roster during the season. We will ask clubs to provide sufficient helpers for our pool so that any one individual will only be asked to attend once or twice during the season. This is how other regions operate, and it’s only fair on the current small pool of officials and other helpers who turn up week in and week out. That model is not sustainable.

Members of our athletics community should note that if we do not get sufficient numbers of officials and helpers committed in advance to support a specific meet, it will be cancelled.

We are also proposing a trial of a combined junior/senior meet on a Sunday. Again this is how other regions operate.

We want the upcoming season to be successful and quality events are more beneficial than the quantity.

Please CLICK HERE if you wish to read through the slide pack and provide any feedback to 


Board Athletics Wellington